Toll Free: 877-359-3003 Cell:907-512-6344

Alaska's Top Fishing lodges & Duck Hunting Aleutian Outfitters Adak
Alaska's top duck hunting and fishing lodges for Salmon ,Halibut or DIY Caribou hunting
Toll Free: 877-359-3003 Cell:907-512-6344
Alaska's top duck hunting and fishing lodges for Salmon ,Halibut or DIY Caribou hunting
Team X-Treme was the first Aleutian Outfitters as we pioneered Trophy Sea ducks, King & Pacific Eiders along with Harlequin, Scoters and Oldsquaws . We were the original Island X King Eider guides along with hunting Adak and Coldbay since the early 2000's . Operating Nov 1st-Jan 22 for trophy Seaducks hunts $4500-$5600pp
Alaska's top self guided Caribou hunts or duck hunting on Adak Island. Aug-15 -Oct 1st & Nov 1st-Dec 31. We are finalizing up our big game transporter lic, offering boat charters, 4 wheelers and 4x4 pickups all inclusive . Standard hunts $1995 min 2. Deluxe hunts $2995
Expedition Package $3995
Fishing the Alaska Peninsula based out of Coldbay and Adak with runs topping 40,000 fish in our streams/rivers and lagoons. Aug 20-Oct 15 Local fishing with boat transport to Volcano bay. Meals / lodging / guides & boat charters. 5 or 7 day all inclusive lodge packages. $2595pp to $3900pp
Fishing for Giant Halibut is what we do on Adak along with several species of Cod and Salmon. If your looking for a true wilderness charter without crowds Adak is it. No pressure like overfished Homer/Seward & Kodiak. Our 4-or 7 day all inclusive charters/ meals/lodging/fish preparation. $2450pp to $3500pp
Coldbay Adventures Lodge and Adak lodge offers Aleutian Outfitters offer the best Emperor goose hunting in the World. We have a %100 success rate on all our Emperor Goose hunts Fully Guided/Outfitted or DIY Emperor & Brant hunts Sept 1-Dec 16 in Coldbay. Nov 15-Jan 22 in Adak. 3d-7d Lodge packages from $1595pp - $3900pp
Unmatched fishing for Silver Salmon along with a waterfowl extravaganza for Black Brant *Canada Geese and Puddleducks. Hunt Sept 1-Oct 15 in Coldbay, Izembek & Kinzarof laggon holds the Worlds population of Black brant Sept -Oct. Package Trips from $2595-$3900pp meals/guides/lodge.
The Owners Outfitters and Guides who make up Alaska 's Team X-Treme have only two purposes Safety & Professionalism- We will keep you safe in the most remote areas of the Alaska Peninsula, Pribilof and Aleutian Islands while operating in some of the harshest weather in the world, as our 34 year %100 safety record speaks for itself. While guiding and outfitting for the past 3 decades throughout remote Alaska our staff has sent home over 2000 happy guest's with a smile on their face. Whether your looking for the best Salmon fishing trip in Coldbay, Halibut or Caribou on Adak or Trophy Waterfowl in any of our locations to complete the Ultimate Waterfowl Challenge, we offer it all under 1 roof. With a simple no "BS pricing policy" with the highest standards in the industry.
Our staff of Captains and Guides in our 3 locations combined have over 80 years combined guiding experience with all of them being full time guides. No part time weekend warriors on a summer vacation working for a friend or relative like much of the competition. We take our profession serious along with our commitment to our guest's. We have built our slogan of "When only the best will do ! and we mean to keep it.
Capt Charlie Summerville * \ * Capt Justin Bleicher * \Capt Jack Nelsen
Alaska's Team X-Treme only operates in the most remote areas of Alaska including Adak Island, Coldbay and St Paul Island . These 3 locations are all 600-1000 miles from the nearest major city or connected road, and they all are small remote outpost towns of 40-400 year round inhabitants.
Why Choose Such Remote Areas– The answer is simple, despite what other Aleutian Outfitters offer and the Tourism dept of Alaska promotes many areas on the road system that are overfished and hunted and crowded with guide competition fighting over a few animals and fish. The Aleutian Islands and Pribilof Islands are truly hands down the last bastion of freedom and wilderness that has not been exploited to its maximum limits with it's fish and game stocks. We would rather be be a bit inconvenienced as operating in these areas is very hard and very expensive due to the logistics and freight cost's to get our supplies and equipment here. Then to just offer an average ho hum marginal trip like 95% of the other outfitters on the mainland working off volume and local tourist traffic. As we have none of either and that's why when you book a trip with Alaska's Team X-Treme you are assured of a true Wilderness adventure in the wilds of Alaska. Not staying at the holiday inn near anchorage getting the local tourist experience.
Adak Island lodge Top Outfitters in the Aleutians
Check out this great teaser video of Team X-Treme in action!
Founder and Head Guide Team X-Treme 7000 hr Alaska bush pilot, 35 year boat captain, 30 year big game hunter. Fishing guide since since 1980, Pioneer of modern day King Eider hunting on Island X.
Team X-Treme offers Trophy Seaducks in all 3 of our locations Island X, Adak and Coldbay although the seasons vary and the species availablity changes. Below is a complete list of all species and dates.
Coldbay Trophy Seaducks Readily Available ** Pacific Eiders * Harlequin * WW and Common Scoter, Oldsquaws * Pacific Brant * Emperor Geese* Red Breasted and Common Merganser. Nov 1- Dec 16 $5600pp + SAT-SAT trips
Adak Trophy Seaducks readily available ** Harlequin * Aleutian Teal *Emperor Geese * Red & Common Mergansers * Bufflehead* a few Eurasians ,WW and Common scoters * Pintails and a few Pacific Eiders but very weather dependent. SAT-SAT Discontinued hunt
Island X– Dec 27-Jan 23 ** King Eiders * Harlequin * LongTails * with an occasional Common or WW Scoters or Aleutian Teal & Wigeon, and very rare Pacific Eiders as we average 1 a year. $6500pp 5 day trips
Emperor Goose hunts - Coldbay Oct 1-Dec 16
Fully Guided & Outfitted 3 day hunt $1900pp
Fully Guided & Outfitted 7 day Trophy Seaduck hunt $4900
Self Guided/Lodging- 3d ----$1295pp
Self Guided/Lodging- 7d ----$2595pp
Cast N Blast - Coldbay Sept 1-Oct 15 only
Fully Guided & Outfitted/Meals 4 day hunt $3400pp
Fully Guided & Outfitted/Meals 7 day Trophy hunt $4500pp
Self Guided/Lodging/Vehicle- 4d ----$2495 min 2 hunters
Self Guided/Lodging/Vehicle- 7d ----$2995
Have you ever just wanted to take an adventure and go do some cool hunting or fishing trip in a far away land. Now is the time come take a fishing or hunting expedition with Alaska's Premier Guides & Outfitter Team X-Treme. We still have a few prime dates available for the summer season on some great trips.
The best way to reach us about alaska fishing or Adak duck hunting is send us an email message directly Or call our office toll free # and ask for Aleutian Outfitters package.
112 Baranov Road, Cold Bay, Alaska 99571, United States
Toll free: 877-359-3003 Cell : 907-512-6344 Capt Chris in Adak 907-388-1159
If you don't see what your looking for call or email us ,as we specialize in custom trips of small groups of adventurers. Sincerely Capt Charlie & Chris